Sidaction & aidsfonds :
hiv cure
For the first time, Sidaction is joining forces with Aidsfonds and open a call for proposal on the theme of HIV CURE with an overall budget of 2 million euros.

Aidsfonds is a Dutch HIV association founded in 1985. They fund scientific research, provide prevention and treatment services to vulnerable groups, and defend the rights of people living with HIV.
- Submission of Letters of Intent : 16th June 2024
- Evaluation of Letters of Intent : June 2024
- Announcement of pre-selected projects : July 2024
- Submission of full proposals : 26th September 2024
- Selection of winning projects : November 2024
- Announcement of winners : January 2025
Sidaction and Aidsfonds are pleased to jointly launch a call for scientific proposals for the year 2024, aimed at accelerating advances in HIV cure research. This initiative, the fruit of an unprecedented collaboration between the two organizations, aims to mobilize researchers from France, the Netherlands and African countries around this crucial issue for global health. The goal of this ambitious initiative is to foster collaboration between researchers, institutions, and communities, with an emphasis on interdisciplinary and collaborative research on the cure for HIV.
The aim of this call for proposals is to fund research projects exploring mechanisms or strategies that will contribute to achieve a cure or a remission for HIV. The candidate projects may explore mechanisms to target the viral reservoir or enhance immune driven control, the development of new therapeutic concepts as well as all the social sciences around HIV cure or remission. With this call, we aim to fund research ultimately leading to biomedical breakthroughs, social acceptance of cure interventions and promotion of an HIV cure available to the maximum of PLHIV worldwide.
Financing Arrangements
For 2024, a total budget of 2 million euros is available. It is planned to finance 3 to 5 projects, favoring large-scale proposals, preferably with research collaborations between France, the Netherlands and sub-Saharan Africa.
The selected projects will be announced in December 2024.
Letter of Intent
The first step for your application is to submit a letter of intent describing the background, objective, design, and relevance of the project to the HIV Cure. The letter of intent for this international call should be completed in English (French could be acceptable if the principal investigator is from Africa and not fluent in English). The template can be downloaded from Sidaction or Aidsfonds website. The letter can only be submitted by e-mail to
Full proposal
Dead line : 26th September 2024
Projects must be submitted via the Synto platform at the following address:
Please read the platform access tutorial and the applicant’s guide carrefully. Don’t forget that you need a Synto account to submit your application. It must have been created when your letter of intent was accepted. If this is not the case, please contact us at
Please note that only applicants whose letters of intent have been accepted can apply for funding.